Let’s start this by saying a shadowbox fence is one of the best-looking privacy fences out there. However, they are only semi-private as they offer some glimpse into your yard. In order to see into the yard though someone would really need to be up on the fence trying to see in. That being said, let’s learn a little more about this style.
Why a shadowbox fence?
Most homeowners who choose this type of fencing choose it for the looks. It gets the name shadowbox because the way the fence is designed it cast a shadow. The frame is the basic frame of a privacy fence. It is the pickets that go on differently. A picket goes on one side of the fence then instead of putting the next picket beside it, you put it on the outside of the fence, going back and forth until the fence is complete. This way for those of you who don’t like facing the inside of the fence you get to view the pickets as well instead of just the frame.
Benefits of this fence!
Every fence offers a benefit of its own. In this case, if you live in a windy area or a stormy area, your fence has a better chance of staying upright. Often, when it comes to privacy fences is a strong wind comes by they can be blown over. With a shadowbox fence, they are less likely to blow over because they are not solid and the wind can go right through them instead of against it.
There are some disadvantages as well. Like what as mentioned at the beginning, these fences are only semi-private. Therefore, they don’t keep your belongs as secure as a completely private fence. In the end, it is up to you to weigh your options.
Whatever you decide, contact Sunrise Fence today to get started on building the fence of your choosing. They offer privacy, shadowbox, vinyl and more. All you have to do is call!
What is a shadowbox fence?
It gets the name shadowbox because the way the fence is designed it cast a shadow. The frame is the basic frame of a privacy fence. It is the pickets that go on differently. A picket goes on one side of the fence then instead of putting the next picket beside it, you put it on the outside of the fence, going back and forth until the fence is complete.
What are the benefits of shadowbox fence?
If you live in a windy area or a stormy area, your fence has a better chance of staying upright. Often, when it comes to privacy fences is a strong wind comes by they can be blown over. With a shadowbox fence, they are less likely to blow over because they are not solid and the wind can go right through them instead of against it.